In this position, the base has only one way to balance the flyer: With retracted chin directly over the neck (long neck). The base looks very grim, but can balance with the neck, if only very limited. In this variant, the base has no visual contact. Corrections come out of the middle of the body, so that the neck will not sheared A good preliminary exercise for the base is the free headstand on the ground. Well known circus duos are doing this one-armed handstand. This then turns 360 degrees with the flyer… very visible at the Peres Brothers (video […]
Kategorie: on the head
2 posts
The balance on the head is indeed much more stable than the balance on the arms, but since the base has no or very limited eye contact with the flyer, the risk of a shearing is very high. An injury to the cervical spine is very annoying and tedious! So please think twice, whether you really want to try this position … There are basically 2 ways to balance the flyer: 1) On the forehead with raised shoulders that stabilize the head and cervical spine (is usually used for one-armed counter handstand). Thus the base can not correct with the […]