In principle, I recommend the balancing on the palm! Watch your hand in the push-up position with straight arms. Try to keep your weight only on your fingers … It is possible, but unnecessarily difficult. And now watch the angle between forearm and back of the hand. Usually the possible range is between 90 ° – 270 ° DEG, but keeping a weight on the back of the hand is unnecessarily difficult too. I have met people who could move their wrist until the touch with the forearm on both sides. In the partner balance, only the range of 100 […]
Kategorie: AkroTango
The critic Louis Leroy insulted Claude Monet (photo: Impression – soleil levant, 1872, Musée Marmottan, Paris) as an “Impressionist” and accused him of superficiality. Previously, the artists were referred to because of their painting technique as Intransigeants (“the stubborn”) (excerpt from Wikipedia). Also acrobats are artists and therefore also creative and stubborn … it is discussed and lamented whether and how partner acrobatics should work. Everyone knows it better … Someone needed for safety? Who do you trust? And how dangerous is the trick really? Injuries, on the other hand, are actually rare. And if something happens, then it is […]
The lift (elevate) is an important element of the Tango Acrobatico, which is enjoying increasing popularity. But not all acrobatic performances with tango music belong in this category. In my understanding, it is not tango, as long as there is no tango-typical connection danced in the couple. And as long as the lady is not levitated in a controlled manner, it is not acrobatics. The border is certainly fluid, because a good couple of acrobatic will always have a good connection and a good tango couple will generate the hovering with ease. Ultimately, everyone has to decide for himself whether […]
When looking at biomechanics I am less concerned with the exact derivation of mechanical and biological principles, but more with the consequences for acrobatics … Mechanics: Acrobats are essentially dealing with 3 energies. Potential, kinetic and rotational energy. These energies have as common quantities: the mass and the force vector. The mass is for an acrobat a very personal given size, which is also associated with its available power (= m * a). It determines significantly whether a person should be a flyer or a base. In addition, you can’t change much the mass of a person in a short-term […]
Below are a few forms of the flyer in the handstand (HS) → to achieve the desired shape different tactics are useful. Froghandstand → pick up the weight from your feet straight HS → rolls, half wheel turn, flic, cascade or pull with force Scorpion → first straight HS, then pull your feet towards your head, at the same time close your shoulder Mexican → first straight HS, then overturn the body, at the same time cover the shoulder Crocodile in hand balances (counts to the category 1-arm!) 7 → first straight HS, then towards Mexicans and at the […]
In principle, the safety-helper (spotter) should know the trick itself, so that he recognizes the potential dangers in good time. Arrangements: First, the helper is informed, which trick to secure and what is expected of them. In principle, the helper is never directly in front of or behind the base so that no-one does stumble during a correction step. As soon as more than one correction step is necessary, the base breaks off, otherwise it forces the helper(s) to run along. A helper can not catch well, while he moves! An unintentionally rotating base also forces the helper to move. […]
How to define success? Well … Wikipedia’s recipe uses 2 ingredients, the goal and the implementation competence. Although everyone defines their own goals, for me in tango it is clearly the connection between woman, man and music. I remain aware of the division between man and woman, as Leader and Follower assume a role assignment, which personally I do not see. A woman always remains a woman, even if she takes the role of leadership. A division into painter and brush carries the same problem. I understand the implementation competence required by Wikipedia as the necessary “basics”: the posture, the […]
… can you imagine, how the Tango Argentino is developing to? Here are some suggestions … Tango Canyengue Tango de salón: Milonguero, Villa Urquiza Tango Petitero: Estilo Milonguero Tango Nuevo: Neotango, Nontango Tango Escenario Tango acrobático Finnish Tango:
The Neanderthals were once the successful model of evolution. And I do not mean that ironically! 1925: Posture: heads side by side, arms hanging Dynamics: stationary, springy, quarter turns Leadership: monologue, arms moving 1931: Posture: hand on middle back, head position further apart Dynamics: more expansive Guided tour: monologue, choreography, calm arms 1960: Posture: focus on presentation, hand on shoulder, quiet topline Dynamics: expansive and floating Leadership: monologue, choreography 1979: Posture: presentation focused to woman, body position turned to each other Dynamics: more open foot positions Leadership: choreography with active woman 1998: Posture: maximum presence, head of the woman paints […]