The Ocho (→ 8) results from the correctly danced forward or backward step → the caminata. As a reminder, there are 2 knee-to-knee positions directly behind each other in both forward and backward motion. These short moments are not held and should not produce an extension of the knees. The heel of the standing leg remains on the ground. In order to allow the free leg to swing through under the center of gravity, while keeping the knees close to each other, a small pivot on the footpad of the standing leg is required. The torso turns in advance and […]
Monthly archives: June 2018
Pitching to handstand using the wheel turn is a trick from the category for experts. Off the ground, it’s one of the easiest possibilities to a handstand on straight arms, as the base easily controls the shearing forces of the flyer. Furthermore, the energy from the legs of the flyer (with maximum torque while stretching) helps to push the handstand comparatively effortlessly on the straight-arm. As pre-exercises I recommend: the wheel-turn to the handstand for the flyer on the floor with the belly to the wall. The start position is as close to the wall as possible with the left […]
The butler is a trick from the category for experts. With potential for long arms and thus even a trick for professionals … As pre-exercises I recommend: the base pulls up the flyer while doing the handstand on the floor (picture 1) and gets him back on his feet in front of him (pull over) the flyer jumps on the trampoline from the supine position back to standing, the lying base kicks the flyer lying backwards on the feet to the standing in the hands and the standing base pushes the standing flyer several times in a row on straight […]
Pitching is a trick for the good advanced, but can be increased to any difficulty as desired. As preparation I recommend: the flyer jumps up from the side (lying base) with a quarter turn to the one-legged standing onto the one-armed at straight arm, the flyer jumps up from the front (kneeling base) with a half turn to the one-legged standing onto the one-armed at the short arm and the flyer jumps up from the front (standing base) with a half turn to the standing on the hands with straight arms. This trick starts in the deep squat for the […]
The pitch to counter handstand is also for experts always a challenge… Starting position: The partners stand in front of each other and hold hands. The hands of the flyer are turned outwards, those of the base grip them from below, suitable for the planned final position, the counter-handstand. After the initial tempo, in which the base follows the flyer, the flyer jumps off active and slightly leaned forwards (picture 1). As soon as the contact point is under his center of gravity (picture 2), the flyer starts leaning even more forward (picture 3 = taking off pantyhose). High relieving: […]
There are 2 meaningful connect points for the base, that allow him to balance a counter handstand (CHS): on his feet or on his hands. In fact, for the flyer himself nothing should change between the CHS and the “normal” handstand (HS). Only the shape of the connect points from the base are changing, which indeed is more complex than it first seems. The base basically ensures that the angle in the flyer’s wrists does not get too flat. However, the feet and wrists of the base getting quickly at its stretch limit. Onto the feet the balancing area is […]
The critic Louis Leroy insulted Claude Monet (photo: Impression – soleil levant, 1872, Musée Marmottan, Paris) as an “Impressionist” and accused him of superficiality. Previously, the artists were referred to because of their painting technique as Intransigeants (“the stubborn”) (excerpt from Wikipedia). Also acrobats are artists and therefore also creative and stubborn … it is discussed and lamented whether and how partner acrobatics should work. Everyone knows it better … Someone needed for safety? Who do you trust? And how dangerous is the trick really? Injuries, on the other hand, are actually rare. And if something happens, then it is […]