How to define success? Well … Wikipedia’s recipe uses 2 ingredients, the goal and the implementation competence. Although everyone defines their own goals, for me in tango it is clearly the connection between woman, man and music. I remain aware of the division between man and woman, as Leader and Follower assume a role assignment, which personally I do not see. A woman always remains a woman, even if she takes the role of leadership. A division into painter and brush carries the same problem. I understand the implementation competence required by Wikipedia as the necessary “basics”: the posture, the […]
Monthly archives: January 2018
… can you imagine, how the Tango Argentino is developing to? Here are some suggestions … Tango Canyengue Tango de salón: Milonguero, Villa Urquiza Tango Petitero: Estilo Milonguero Tango Nuevo: Neotango, Nontango Tango Escenario Tango acrobático Finnish Tango:
The Neanderthals were once the successful model of evolution. And I do not mean that ironically! 1925: Posture: heads side by side, arms hanging Dynamics: stationary, springy, quarter turns Leadership: monologue, arms moving 1931: Posture: hand on middle back, head position further apart Dynamics: more expansive Guided tour: monologue, choreography, calm arms 1960: Posture: focus on presentation, hand on shoulder, quiet topline Dynamics: expansive and floating Leadership: monologue, choreography 1979: Posture: presentation focused to woman, body position turned to each other Dynamics: more open foot positions Leadership: choreography with active woman 1998: Posture: maximum presence, head of the woman paints […]