The high belly flyer is one of the first figures of the standing base onto the straight arms. As soon as a beginner manages this trick as a base, he rises to the status of an advanced 😉 Although this trick should be feasible even with pure power, I’ve already seen body builders failing with a 60 kg flyer, though they lifted 120 kg while lying and still 80 kg while standing. So what’s so special about this trick? On the one hand, he became a cult in 1987 by Patrick Swayze in “Dirty Dancing”. At that time every young […]
Kategorie: belly
2 posts
In the belly flyer, the flyer tends to shorten the back. This is an attractive position as it allows the flyer to raise his head and thus to present himself to the audience. For the transition to other positions this position is rather unfavorable (for example to the shoulder-stand or side-flyer). A pressed out belly makes contact with the hip difficult and, in the bad case, can lead to slipping. If the belly flier is not presented, then the flyer should take a position as if it were lying on the ground. His chin is on the floor and feet […]