In principle, I recommend the balancing on the palm! Watch your hand in the push-up position with straight arms. Try to keep your weight only on your fingers … It is possible, but unnecessarily difficult. And now watch the angle between forearm and back of the hand. Usually the possible range is between 90 ° – 270 ° DEG, but keeping a weight on the back of the hand is unnecessarily difficult too. I have met people who could move their wrist until the touch with the forearm on both sides. In the partner balance, only the range of 100 […]
Kategorie: headfirst-flyer
The Courbet (Flac) is a trick from the category for experts. This trick starts for the flyer in the handstand and ends when standing in the hands. If the trick is caught on straight arms, it’s a trick for professionals, as you rarely see it in the circus. In principle, the Courbet is the second part of the flicflac, which is why this trick is more and more often called flac. Strictly speaking, the Courbet is only a section of the flac, namely the active leg pull just before standing. Unlike the flac, the flyer for the Courbet (in the partner […]
The Posechka is a trick from the category for experts. Where the term Posechka comes from is probably a myth. The best tip seems to be, that some Eastern European brought this trick to Germany about 30-40 years ago and called it “Posetschka”. Google only offers a Bulgarian translation, which tells us that Posechka means “sober”. Posetschka is not known by Google and Posedchka means saddle, which also does not make more sense!? In German, I prefer to use the term “reel-up”, which at least meaningful describes the type of movement to the handstand. Nevertheless, there are many acrobats who […]
Pitching to handstand using the wheel turn is a trick from the category for experts. Off the ground, it’s one of the easiest possibilities to a handstand on straight arms, as the base easily controls the shearing forces of the flyer. Furthermore, the energy from the legs of the flyer (with maximum torque while stretching) helps to push the handstand comparatively effortlessly on the straight-arm. As pre-exercises I recommend: the wheel-turn to the handstand for the flyer on the floor with the belly to the wall. The start position is as close to the wall as possible with the left […]
The pitch to counter handstand is also for experts always a challenge… Starting position: The partners stand in front of each other and hold hands. The hands of the flyer are turned outwards, those of the base grip them from below, suitable for the planned final position, the counter-handstand. After the initial tempo, in which the base follows the flyer, the flyer jumps off active and slightly leaned forwards (picture 1). As soon as the contact point is under his center of gravity (picture 2), the flyer starts leaning even more forward (picture 3 = taking off pantyhose). High relieving: […]
There are 2 meaningful connect points for the base, that allow him to balance a counter handstand (CHS): on his feet or on his hands. In fact, for the flyer himself nothing should change between the CHS and the “normal” handstand (HS). Only the shape of the connect points from the base are changing, which indeed is more complex than it first seems. The base basically ensures that the angle in the flyer’s wrists does not get too flat. However, the feet and wrists of the base getting quickly at its stretch limit. Onto the feet the balancing area is […]
The base can balance the flyer only with stable (fixed) shoulders. To balance the flyer, the base creates at the shoulder of the flyer the necessary shear forces, without these should get changed. For the flyer this means: Position 1: either pulling the shoulders in the direction of the hip … Position 2: or pulling towards his ears … Common to both variants is that the center of gravity of the flyer remains exactly above the shoulder. Mostly, the flyer supports himself with its hands on the forearms of the base to stabilize himself. However, this must not cause him […]
When knot handstand one hand is further up and higher than the other! This results in an asymmetrical figure for the flyer (tends to be in the direction of screwed Einarmer), which affects up to the position of the feet. Important in partner acrobatics: – hands are on top of each other (watch out for your little fingers!) – the upper hand of the knot must not slip away – Both arms are stretched – the head is above the palm of the upper hand.
In principle, the headstand is placed on the forehead or at the front part of the skull (see also Base – Balance on the head). Of all the flyers known to me, however, the position with a long neck is preferred. For this purpose, the contact-point / pressure-point on the head is centered on the hairline. It is important that the cervical spine can hold a straight position… straight in the body, but diagonally in the room! The supported headstand can not stand straight in the room, as a residual pressure remains on the hands and thus the center of […]
For the balance of this position, the shoulder is significantly involved. The shoulder is a floating joint, i.e. she has no firm connection with the trunk skeleton. There are exactly 2 positions wherein the shoulder is fixed: 1) pull the arms all the way to the hips (until the collarbone is horizontal) or 2) pull your shoulders to your ears (until no finger fits between them). Both positions are not natural and require a lot of training! A ballet dancer trains for it daily for years. Amazingly, a good body control while standing is no guarantee for just as good […]
The flag is due to the pull-pressure balance a form of the libra. The flag in handstand tends very large shear forces to generate. therefore, it is for the base necessary to a very stable pressure point to offer. Unfortunately is not a base so stable as a pole … Since the pressure point is always below the pulling point, the 2 possible pressure points while the base is standing are the lower leg from the back or the thigh from the front. Thus the only possible pulling points left are the shoulder or the hand. Once the flyer gets […]
The Handstand (HS) offers each Flyer 2 challenges, namely the art of balance and the way to get in the handstand. While the balance is essential for the solo artist, for the partner acrobatics the way is often the bigger hurdle. For the balance through the base it is sufficient if the flyer can hold its shape as soon as it reaches the position. The solo artist has to balance by himself. Challenge number 1: The Art of Balance In contrast to the standing tricks, necessary corrections of the base during balancing the handstand are reaching very delayed or not […]
Getting to stand on forearms on the ground the flyer has to push himself out of the headstand. To do this, the flyer must actively open the shoulder and tilt the body backwards at the same time. Possible shapes: 7 or Mexican. There is a risk of tilting in the back, without being able to twist off. A base does not have many possibilities to bring the flyer safely to the ground again. This position on a base is really heavy, looks modest and is very dangerous at the same time. That may be the reason why I’ve never seen […]
The Einarmer has the highest difficulty in the balance, as a shift in all directions is possible. The entry into the Einarmer is usually on the handstand. The critical moment is when the flyer releases its 2nd hand. Here, the smallest impulse leads to unwanted shear forces. 1st start position: – Flyers in handstand, – shoulders completely pushed out (if possible until contact with the ears) 2. The flyer starts from this position and can be e.g. tilt to the right. Important: a) Both arms are always pushing slightly outwards, never inwards !!! b) There remains a little weight on […]
Below are a few forms of the flyer in the handstand (HS) → to achieve the desired shape different tactics are useful. Froghandstand → pick up the weight from your feet straight HS → rolls, half wheel turn, flic, cascade or pull with force Scorpion → first straight HS, then pull your feet towards your head, at the same time close your shoulder Mexican → first straight HS, then overturn the body, at the same time cover the shoulder Crocodile in hand balances (counts to the category 1-arm!) 7 → first straight HS, then towards Mexicans and at the […]