Since the base can not grip with the feet, balancing the flyer by using the shear forces is not possible. The base must always remain under the center of gravity of the flyer. In the position “headfirst” the base also has no line of sight to the flyer. This actually destroys almost all possibilities of balancing through the base. Either the flyer is so experienced that it remains in the line of force without causing any shear forces, or another base takes over the balancing… Standing on the head or shoulder, the line of power is distributed on 3 contact […]
Kategorie: on the feet
If the base is lying good and the balance is stable on 2 feet, the flyer may tilt the weight to one foot of the base. The base gets extra stability against rolling away sideways by laying his arms sideways. Bending the free leg is not useful, since it reduces the possibilities of the flyer when landing. And nobody really likes a knee between the legs. Important is when getting the balance to 1 foot, that the rest weight is picked up by the base to avoid a Verscherung. A flyer is pushing himself when tilting from one side to […]
In order to get a balance without hands, the base must learn to pick up the weight of the flyer with his feet. For this the pressure on the front ball of the foot increases, which makes the foot a bit steeper. At the same time, the balance is shifted slightly more in the direction of the own center of gravity. Pre-exercise for the base: Starting position: standing on hands and feet (knees do not touch the ground!) In order to be able to lift off your hands off the ground, the pressure increases in the tiptoes. Do not push-off […]
Maximum stability in this position would be if the heels are pulled all the way to the po, but then the angle of the feet is no longer suitable for the balance. It is important to find a good compromise. The back is always under tension … no position for having a rest. The possibilities in this position are very limited, since even small shearing forces mean the end of the trick. The base can not help in case of a crash. It makes sense to initially balance in this position only a lying flyer. This position looks very nice […]