The pitch to counter handstand is also for experts always a challenge… Starting position: The partners stand in front of each other and hold hands. The hands of the flyer are turned outwards, those of the base grip them from below, suitable for the planned final position, the counter-handstand. After the initial tempo, in which the base follows the flyer, the flyer jumps off active and slightly leaned forwards (picture 1). As soon as the contact point is under his center of gravity (picture 2), the flyer starts leaning even more forward (picture 3 = taking off pantyhose). High relieving: […]
Kategorie: angled arm
The elbows prop up at the ground as close to the hips as possible. The hands remain in the area of the upper arm! The base should expect that his hands will be shear to the outside. If necessary, the hips can also be lifted slightly to lean the hands at it and stabilize them.
Not meant is a short-term one-arm balance due to a high relieve. However, as soon as the entire weight arrives on the arm, the risk of shearing is very great. This not only causes pain in the base’s wrist, but can also cause the flyers foot to kink away. If necessary, the base can lean the hand at the hip. Be sure to keep your elbows as close to the body as possible! I can only imagine of two sensible positions of the flyer: 1-leg standing one-armed-handstand In all other positions either the ground is too close, or the […]
Balancing on one-arm with the elbow on the ground requires a very precise perception of the base for the correct force line, otherwise it will shear off very quickly. What should not be underestimated also at this altitude. Therefore and also because the view to the flyer is very limited, the one-armed is shored in both positions. However, special attention is always on the stability of the wrist, so the flyer does not have to stand uphill. 1. Lying sideways, the forearm is leaning at the back of the back and 2. Lying on the stomach, the hand shore itself […]
A position with considerable risk, as the base does not see the flyer → Safety. For tricks like the Chinese roll (= spring roll, ..) I advise the base to wear a long T-shirt to prevent a mat burn on the elbows. This lateral position is neither easy to reach for the flyer nor the base. The base must stabilize the lower arm at the back of his back and the wrist should not become flatten when loaded. If necessary, he may also shore up the wrist on the back. For the flyer, the differently long arms of the base […]
The base holds his hands approximately shoulder width, as he would turn the hands of the flyer inwards when positioning more narrow. The palm is open so that the flyer has the largest possible space available. The thumbs are as close as possible to each other. The wrist is located above the upper arm and must never come before the elbows. The lower arms are aligned in the direction of the center of gravity of the flyer to ensure good stability against shear forces. The position “Base standing, short arm” is an important starting position for dynamic tricks in duo-acrobatics […]
In order to avoid shear forces when to enter the one-armed, the flyer must learn to lean actively from the middle of the body in the desired direction laterally. The axis of rotation for the handstand is the shoulder and when standing the hip! If the base does not prevent this leaning, the weight of the flyer tilts on one arm in a controlled manner until the center of gravity reaches above the axis of rotation and the base’s carrying hand. The base follows this tilting with his elbow … Then, when the weight has almost completely arrived in the […]