The pitch to counter handstand is also for experts always a challenge… Starting position: The partners stand in front of each other and hold hands. The hands of the flyer are turned outwards, those of the base grip them from below, suitable for the planned final position, the counter-handstand. After the initial tempo, in which the base follows the flyer, the flyer jumps off active and slightly leaned forwards (picture 1). As soon as the contact point is under his center of gravity (picture 2), the flyer starts leaning even more forward (picture 3 = taking off pantyhose). High relieving: […]
Kategorie: headfirst
Since the base can not grip with the feet, balancing the flyer by using the shear forces is not possible. The base must always remain under the center of gravity of the flyer. In the position “headfirst” the base also has no line of sight to the flyer. This actually destroys almost all possibilities of balancing through the base. Either the flyer is so experienced that it remains in the line of force without causing any shear forces, or another base takes over the balancing… Standing on the head or shoulder, the line of power is distributed on 3 contact […]
The position is similar to the scorpion-handstand of the flyer, as the head is actively pulled out. The beginning is usually via a libra, which at the end the flyer can let go, e.g. lying, sitting, with headstand or one-armed in the neck. An unfavorable weight distribution of base and flyer can be recognized by the fact that the shoulder is not over the middle of the hand. The base keeps his own center of gravity as close to its hands as possible (as he is usually heavier), which causes a barely avoidable hollow cross … Balancing the one-armed […]
In principle possible in the headstand, shoulderstand or handstand. Still not very advisable, as the balance organ really needs a very long time to achieve a stable balance with the head downwards. Everyone can estimate the effort themselves … How long did it take to stand a handstand? How much training was needed to balance him freely? And how long was the way to the one-armed? And now you want to balance a flyer on top of it? Even the one-armed handstand is easy in comparison to that!