This position is usually supported with the hand, thus it usually has 2 contact points. It is a popular, because audience-effective position, which can be learned with little effort. Analogous to the previous names, I call them side-flyer. However, she is also known by other names, such as swallow, high star, … just to name a few. The contact point of the base is always at the hip of the flyer below its center of gravity. In the supported side-flyer, the contact point of the base, the contact point of the flyer and the flyer’s shoulder form a triangle. The […]
Daily archives: 25. May 2018
Within this position is meant the conventional crocodile, which is balanced by the base at the upper arm of the flyer. The elbow is held as close to the center of gravity as possible within the hipbone. For that a shortening of the corresponding page is necessary. The opposite hip is held up. To get into the crocodile, the flyer first supports the entire weight on the elbow. So he achieves an “umbrella” position: After that he can pull his upper body and legs up. The shortening of the page creates an asymmetric figure. This results in a very […]
The contacting point on the knee is a test of courage for the flyer. The center of gravity must be (as always) above the contact point, which is just below the knee. This requires a straight hip. It’s not easy to land on your feet when you tilt forward… but the flyer should trust his base, or delete that position from his repertoire. This figure is often called Knee-Marie because of its humble position. A simpler version of this position is the high Z, in which the flyer is additionally supported with the hands on the shoulder of the base. […]
In the belly flyer, the flyer tends to shorten the back. This is an attractive position as it allows the flyer to raise his head and thus to present himself to the audience. For the transition to other positions this position is rather unfavorable (for example to the shoulder-stand or side-flyer). A pressed out belly makes contact with the hip difficult and, in the bad case, can lead to slipping. If the belly flier is not presented, then the flyer should take a position as if it were lying on the ground. His chin is on the floor and feet […]
Particular attention is paid to the dimensional stability of the flyer. Small changes by shortening the abdominal, lateral or back muscles significantly change the center of gravity and the flyer starts to tilt. In order to get from standing to the respective lying position, the flyer will lean in that direction and then be picked up. Although leaning in the opposite direction is instinctively made, unfortunately only increases the effort of the base. Often, tilting by the base is thereby also prevented, e.g. from the belly flier to the shoulder stand. Once the flyer has arrived in the desired position, […]
The force line to the base runs through the hip and the center of gravity of the flyer. Otherwise arise very fast tilting and turning movements that are only with much experience to brake. This position should only be strived for if the flyer does no longer correct in the standing on 2 legs. For example, if standing on the straight-arm works fine. Initially, the base should use the 2nd hand for stabilization! He may achieve this, e.g. after he is bringing the feet of the flyer together and then grip with his free hand to the 1 leg. In […]
In this position base and flyer can see each other… they are facing each other. Here the flyer has the same position as in “normal” standing, the position of his feet is not changed. The center of gravity of the flyer is also right above his feet arches. Important is the correct structure of the arch (see pictures), so that the base gets a big surfaced connection. Typical mistakes are twisted in, tilted or pointed feet. These generate a punctual pressure, which makes the balancing difficult and may also be very painful. The correct foot position is created when the flyer […]